Monday 26 May 2008

One month to go!

This morning I feel like crap, I am a total wreck.

I had an horrendous night last night with constant stabbing pain and little relief from my painkillers, this may in part due to the fact that I kept throwing the buggers up! I am now very well aquainted with the inside of my toilet bowl. To add further to the pain I moved my arm at 6am and felt a crack as bones collided and pain shot through my arm like a bolt.

So now I am up, a weepy emotional wreck aware that one month today I will be on the ward and waiting to go to theatre, it's all getting too much at the minute. This is further compounded by peoples kind offers of help while a cetain close relative who lives up the road sits on a bar stool and doesn't give two hoots. Without my friends I would be lost, last night I was so touched when my friends collegue and friend offered me the use of her shower when ever I need it knowing that getting in and out the bath will be a near impossible task.

What I need to do now is get up and dressed and put on my best smiley face, I am getting adept at hiding behind a mask, a mask that hides my true feelings though this morning I feel that it will be a harder than normal task to hide my emotions but it is my friends Golden wedding anniversary and at 11am they are having a service of thanksgiving in the church they were married followed by a buffet in a local hotel and I don't want to be the one responsible for spoiling their very special day.

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