Saturday 3 May 2008

Thanks Mate!

My mate A popped round tonight and we had a good natter about our recent jaunts me in Barcelona, he in London. Sounds like he had as good a time in London as I had in Barcelona.

We then some how got onto the subject of my medication or rather the amount I took.

I was telling him about someone I know who often, in their conversations with me presents an undercurrent of disapproval of the amount of medication I take. My list is ever increasing and I don't like it but I really have no choice, it both keeps me alive and gives me a quality of life.

However my chats with her contains within them pointed remarks about how they only take medication if really necessary or they only use paracetamol 5 or 6 a year and it's really not natural to keep shoving lots of pills down your neck and so forth to the point where they leave me feeling that I am taking a combination of Arsenic, strychnine, slug pellets, rat poison, cyanide and other horrendous things down my neck.

I was explaining all this to A who got quite indignant there attitude towards me, I explained to him that I wasn't expecting sympathy from the person above just understanding. I went onto say "I don't take this lot for the fun of it, I take it for genuine reasons"

His response was "Yes, of course you do, if you didn't you'd be a junkie!"

Geeee Thanks!

To fair though he has and is an amazing friend who has supported me through and continues to support me and stick by me despite my health problems and is a truly fantastic friend even when I whinge on about how much pain I am in or snap his head off because I am in pain or has, has happened on several occasions become so ill he needs to dial 999 to order an NHS bus!

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